Our Community

Community marketing is a strategy that involves forming an engaging brand presence in order to interact with a community of existing customers. This type of marketing occurs in places like enthusiast groups, Facebook groups, online message boards and Twitter accounts. These communities give members a place to make their needs known and give companies the opportunity to respond and make them feel important – which they are. While other areas of marketing, like advertising and public relations, generally focus on adding new customers, community marketing emphasizes the relationship with the customers that a brand already has. According to Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company, acquiring a new customer is cost six or seven times more expensive than retaining an existing one. By focusing first on meeting the needs of current customers, golf courses can avoid spending money on advertising to attract new customers.

With IGS, we expand the notion of Community Marketing to new customers also. Although attracting new clients is usually an advertising function, with new technologies such as blockchain, nano and our marketing token, Community marketing can attract both. And, with the new interactions it will create, new customers will actually be attracted by old customers. Our Innovative marketing program makes the IGS Community program all encompassing, innovative, and forward looking without major investment by the golf course.