IGS Mission

The IGS Mission: Using new technology, change the playing field of golf such that local, independent golf owners can compete favorably with larger golf competitors. In that effort, expand the way the current golf infrastructure operates, paving the way for new interest and growth.

The projects which IGS undertakes involve a variety of functions and services. They could include anything from a simple email marketing program, to cost-efficient cable-TV advertising, to events and outings that can draw new revenues and new customers. Simple contests that can create local excitement, tournaments that can publicize the golf course and its team, website modifications and links that can attract attention, are all meaningful projects that IGS provides.

Our unique value, though, is on the Innovative side. We see opportunities for golf courses to better themselves by attracting new and younger golfers through the use of technology. Innovations like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, nano-technology, we believe all have a place in golf marketing. We expect to do projects with golf courses who are trying to compete locally with more powerful owners and groups, and lead them into prominent lead positions, where, without this technology, it would be all but impossible. We will do that by introducing our IGS crypto token to the industry through the local, regional and national golf tournament structure.

In essence, we believe we can give the smaller golf course, already an integral part of the local community, the best chance it has had in a long time, to compete. And we believe an IGS-supported golf course can draw people who have not been golfers before. It's time for new ideas and golf innovation, and IGS is there to help good golf courses to become great golf experiences.