Our partners

Innovative Golf Strategies, Inc. (“IGS”) is a company created by golf entrepreneurs, to fundamentally improve and transform the way smaller independently owned golf courses take advantage of today’s technology, and survive the downturn that has existed in the golf industry over the last decade. IGS provides a national marketing capability to the local, independent golf course which only the larger conglomerates would be able to provide.

IGS is expert in traditional forms of Golf marketing, but, in addition, relies heavily on innovative and new methods which included Internet and crypto-currency based marketing tools. IGS is one of the first Golf Marketing companies to have as its main mission to attract new and necessary players to a declining industry giving it the jumpstart it needs to progress. We believe IGS has the potential to help save marginal golf courses struggling to survive, while helping to make the golf experience attractive to a much wider audience than ever before.

As we progress, especially in our innovative implementation, we expect to have real and strategic partnerships with local golf courses and groups. With our Community concept, and desire to allow the local independent courses to be competitive with larger groups, partnerships will be a natural way to help our plan succeed. Companies, golf courses, or groups, interested in partnering with us for various reasons can contact us anytime at info@igolfstrategies.com or call us at 1 833-446-6331.